Wellbeing support for users of the NCAO

Aviation Industry Skills Board (AISB) Special Interest Group Airside Operations working with Aviation Action

More than "Just Culture". Aspiring to a "Being-Well" Culture!

As we know the success of commercial aviation is owed entirely to the performance of the human beings it employs across all parts of the sector, so prioritising their wellbeing is key to a happier, more prosperous, and safer aviation industry. The AISB Special Interest Group Airside Operations is working with Aviation Action to provide assistance to all aviation organisations undertaking the National Certificate in Airside Operations (NCAO).

Aviation Action is a mental health and support charity specifically for aviation industry colleagues and offers vital assistance to people who work or have worked in the UK aviation industry. Run by an amazing team of volunteers, Aviation Action aims to offer support to aviation industry colleagues who are faced with difficult times, both personally and professionally.

The National Certificate in Airside Operations (NCAO) is a unique certificate developed by the SIG undertaken and awarded to Airfield Operation staff. As candidates go through their NCAO learning journey many of the modules are undertaken on their own and some may find having to complete these in a set- time challenging and stressful. We hope the support links provided will be helpful to anybody who is struggling with mental health issues by signposting to supportive mental health related websites and apps.


Mental Health Related Helplines
Anxiety UK www.anxietyuk.org.uk Provides support if diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
Calm www.thecalmzone.net Campaign against living miserable for men 15 to 35.
Mind www.mind.org.uk Views and needs of people with mental health problems.
No Panic www.nopanic.org.uk Support for sufferers of panic attacks and OCD.
Papyrus www.papyrus-uk.org Young Suicide prevention society.
Samaritans www.samaritans.org.uk Support for people experiencing distress or despair.
Sane www.sane.org.uk/support Emotional Support for people effected by mental illness.
Red Umbrella www.red-umbrella.co.uk Covers everything to do with Mental Health.

Useful Apps

All the Apps listed below can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play

Access NCAO

If you already have registered for the NCAO, sign in and access your account here:

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